Sunday, March 10, 2013

Progression or Regression:How Has the GLBTQIA Community Evolved, or Has It?

A Christian Fundamentalist recently gave me a list of references indicating that the GLBTQIA community has endorsed pedophilia, and further implying the famous slippery slope argument against same sex marriage. Here is the list (the validity of each reference and the critique of the use of the references will be stated in the comment secition):

1. Prominent gay magazine "Out" quoted Damien Martin, the head of New York's homosexual Harvey Milk High School, positively saying, "No kid has ever been hurt by [oral sex]," Article by Jesse Green, September 1994, page 73.

2. Alan Ginsburg, nationally acclaimed homosexual poet, publicly advocated pedophilia. He also joined NAMBLA. He was honored by Boulder, Colorado who gave him the key to the city. His support of pedophilia is well-known, but here's one quote. He commented on the 1977 pedophilia scandal in Revere, Massachusetts, by stating “I had sex when I was 8 with a man in the back of my grandfather’s candy store in Revere, and I turned out okay.”

3. The Advocate, a popular homosexual magazine, published Carl Maves asking, "How many gay men, I wonder, would have missed out on a valuable, liberating experience - one that initiated them into their sexuality - if it weren't for so-called molestation?" in an article titled "Getting Over It."
They also published an article titled "Recruit, Recruit, Recruit" about kids in December 1992.

4. The leading gay publisher, Alyson Publications, published "Paedophilia: The Radical Case," with 300 pages of why and how to have sex with even pre-teen boys.
They also published "The Age Taboo," another defense of pedophilia which claims: "Boy-lovers . . . are not child molesters. The child abusers are . . . parents who force their staid morality onto the young people in their custody."

5. The homosexual community welcomed the militant pedophiles at the North American Man-Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) to march in their "gay pride" parades in New York and San Francisco for years. (This is common knowledge, but if you like I can give you a link to Wayne Besen admitting this.) Homosexuals only severed their promotion of NAMBLA in the 1990s after Christian organizations exposed the parades via new media like right wing talk shows.

Long-time homosexual activist David Thorstad, founding member of the Coalition for Lesbian and Gay Rights and former president of the New York Gay Activists Alliance, according to The Journal of Homosexuality protested the decision by the March on Washington organizers to exclude pedophiles like NAMBLA.

Christian outrage moved the Clinton administration to remove NAMBLA from the homosexual association which gave them consulting status at the United Nations.
The University of Massachusetts at Amherst voted to revise its non-discrimination policy to protect "persons whose sexual orientation includes minor children as the sex object."

6. Homosexual activist Andy Humm (NYC News, Gay USA, GCN) brags of his influence over the New York City Council and wrote in the New York Native that, "No one should be denied basic civil rights because of his or her orientation, whether the person be homosexual, heterosexual, transsexual, transvestite, pedophile, sadist..."

7. Out magazine admitted in an article titled, "The Men From the Boys," when they quoted, without judgment, the founder of a home for runaway youth who claimed that between 14 and 16 years of age, he "probably had sex with well over a thousand people, most of them much older than myself."

8. The Journal of Homosexuality is viewed as the premier "mainstream" English-language publication of the gay movement. One prominent editor is John DeCecco, a psychologist at San Francisco State University who also serves on the editorial board of the Dutch pedophile journal Paidika.

9. In 1990 the Journal of Homosexuality published a series of essays on pedophilia that were eventually published as Male Inter-Generational Intimacy:Historical, Socio-Psychological, and Legal Perspectives, edited by pedophile Edward Brongersma. None of the essays offered any substantive criticism of pedophilia: most blatantly promoted man-boy love as the natural right of homosexuals.

10. In 1999 Helmut Graupner, wrote an article on pedophilia in the Journal of Homosexuality, in which he claims: "Man/boy and woman/girl relations without doubt are same-sex relations and they do constitute an aspect of gay and lesbian life." Graupner argues that, as such, consensual sexual relations between adult homosexuals and youths as young as fourteen qualifies as a "gay rights issue."

1 comment:

  1. Doesn't seem to be any responses. I've asked people for a very long time to give me anything that justifies homosexuality, that would not also justify one or more of the following sexual sins:


    They cannot even give me one. The reason is because sin cannot be justified. And once one attempts to justify sin, he has undermined the foundation of truth, and his arguments will invariably justify other sins as well.
